Message from Coach Ben-First Week Expectations
Barracuda Parents & Swimmers!
Welcome to the St. John's Summer Swim League 2023 with the Barracudas!
On behalf of the BSB Coaching Staff and Board, we are very excited to have so many new families and also returning families with us this summer.
- moving forward, we all need to be sure to have our Barracuda's ESCORTED by a PARENT or COACH to the "BSB HQ" located to the far right side of the pool complex, this is where we will be starting are stretches and team meetings daily. NO BARRACUDA SHOULD BE LEFT UNATTENDED (WALKING IN BY THEMSELVES)
-be sure to arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled practice time to allot for stretches and a team meeting
-during practices, let's make sure to give coaches a space to do work. We recommend Parents & Guardians to remain on the side seated areas to provide appropriate proximity between themselves and their swimmer to have their swimmer stay focused on instruction and direction.
Swim Evaluations into Full Practice
- Today 5/1/23 we are conducting a swim evaluation for all NEW swimmers to the Barracudas. Starting 5/2/23 we will be having full practices with the hole "battery" of Barracudas.
-this week and next week we will be focusing on rituals and routines as well as making sure our new Barracudas feel welcomed!
-we will also be focusing on freestyle and back technique this week as well as starts and turns!
Thank you for joining us for a Barracuda Summer and we all look forward to working to working together to build our team to meet it's fullest potential!
Let's Go Barracudas!
Coach Ben